
  • Shahribonu Yuldosheva Acting Associate Professor, Department of “Innovative Economics”, Karshi Engineering and Economic Institute, doctor of philology and economics (PhD)



housing policy, utilities, services, efficiency, reforms, social services, services, digital economy


The development of the process of globalization and integration in the world, increasing competition, increasing the efficiency of the level of service provision and ensuring the priority of quality indicators are considered urgent tasks today. The housing and communal services system is the most important component of ensuring the level and quality of life of the population, and increasing the efficiency of service delivery is one of the main goals of the industry.  The objective need for the development of these areas has a positive effect on increasing the level of employment along with improving the quality of life of the population. Scientific and methodological aspects of the development of housing and communal services have been studied by many foreign scientists. This article uses methods of scientific abstraction, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction. Also presented are opinions on housing policy, the activities of housing and utility companies, types of services, ongoing reforms to improve the efficiency of utility companies and their main directions.


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How to Cite

Yuldosheva , S. . (2024). THE ESSENCE OF HOUSING POLICY IN THE REGION. Economics and Innovative Technologies, 12(2), 60–67.



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