and Innovative Technologies2024-11-05T08:18:34+00:00Open Journal Systems<p>Creating practical mechanisms for the development of scientific-practical research and innovative developments and the modernization of production, the implementation of technical and technological updating processes, in order to ensure a stronger connection between science and production, as well as innovative cooperation between scientific research organizations and real sector enterprises In order to establish cooperative relations, the Decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PQ-916 dated 15.07.08 <strong>"On additional measures to encourage the implementation of innovative projects and technologies"</strong>, a number of tasks are set before higher educational institutions .</p> <p>In order to solve these tasks, the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 11.10.06 No. 214 <strong>"On further improvement of the procedure of state registration of mass media in the Republic of Uzbekistan"</strong> was thoroughly studied. In the second paragraph of the first chapter of this decision entitled "General Provisions", mass media means the periodical distribution of mass information with a permanent name and in printed form (newspapers, magazines, newsletters, bulletins, etc.) and (or) in electronic form (television, radio, video, newsreel programs, websites on public telecommunication networks) is understood as the form that is published or broadcast at least once every six months, as well as other forms of periodic distribution of information. The decision of the Scientific Council on the establishment of a scientific electronic journal ">" was adopted.</p> <p>In this electronic scientific journal, authors are recommended to focus their articles on the innovative development of industry, infrastructures, transport and communication construction, further reform of the banking and financial system and increase its stability, the continuation of long-term structural changes, and ensuring the further increase of the competitiveness of the innovative economy. .</p> <p>Nowadays, scientific electronic journals are widely introduced in leading foreign universities. With the formation of the information society, the weight of electronic mass media organized on the basis of websites in public telecommunication networks is increasing. The introduction of this type of publications into wide practice not only increases the speedy delivery of information, but also leads to efficient use of paper. The Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 155 of 22.07.10 on "<strong>Additional measures for saving and rational use of paper in the Republic</strong>" reduces the consumption of paper in the processes of rapid resolution of management system, local and inter-sectoral issues. it was noted that information and communication technologies are being widely introduced. The electronic document exchange system is being widely used in practice, and the network of interactive services of the state and organizations is expanding. The task of efficient use of information and communication technologies in terms of saving and rational use of paper in the document circulation of management processes is highlighted in this decision.</p> <p>The scientific electronic magazine "Economics and innovative technologies" published by <strong>Decision No. 201/3 of December 30, 2013 of the Board of the OAK on "Economic Sciences" for the degree of "Doctor of Science" included in the list of scientific journals of the republic in which scientific articles should be published on the scientific results of the dissertation work of applicants.</p> <p>The main tasks of this e-journal are to familiarize young scientists, senior researchers, independent researchers and masters with the results of prestigious scientific works of mature scientists and practitioners of our republic, and to quickly deliver to the public the innovative achievements made in the social and economic spheres of our republic. </p> <p>The address of the magazine on the Internet information network is called "<strong></strong>".</p> OF THE REASONS FOR TAX DEBT FOR LEGAL ENTITIES2024-11-05T08:00:27+00:00Khakimov F. Ulugbek[email protected]<p>This article examines the role of taxes in the country's economy. The circumstances under which tax obligations arise for legal entities are considered. In particular, the opinions of foreign economists regarding the occurrence of tax debt were studied. Legal entities that have tax obligations today are also analyzed. Based on the above circumstances, proposals have been made to reduce tax debt for legal entities.</p>2024-11-01T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 AND LEGAL BASIS OF FINANCING ENTERPRISES BASED ON CORPORATE SECURITIES2024-11-05T05:04:49+00:00Igitov Jurabek Kuzibekovich[email protected]<p>This article examines the legal basis for financing the activities and projects of enterprises based on corporate securities, national legislation and the experience of foreign countries. In particular, the article first examines the content of corporate securities, what are the requirements of international procedures and standards for issuance and circulation, international organizations of securities commissions (IOSCO), in accordance with the “goals and principles of securities regulation”, securities and derivatives markets are crucial for the growth, development and strengthening of the market economy in detail described.</p>2024-11-01T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ROUTES OF SAMARKAND: COMBINING CULTURE AND NATURE2024-11-05T08:02:37+00:00Anvarov Nodir Allayorovich[email protected]<p>This study examines the agrotouristic routes of Samarkand, which combine the cultural and natural heritage of the region. The aim of the work is to identify and analyze the potential of agrotourism in the Samarkand region, focusing on the combination of cultural attractions and natural resources. The study shows that agrotouristic routes contribute not only to the development of agriculture and the economy of the region, but also to the preservation of traditions, crafts and cultural heritage. The document also discusses ways to integrate natural resources such as wineries, gardens and farms with cultural sites such as historical monuments and architectural structures to create comprehensive tourism products. The development and promotion of such routes allows tourists to better understand the local culture and enjoy nature, as well as contributes to the sustainable development of rural areas.</p>2024-11-01T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 TOURISM AS A PROMISING DIRECTION FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF RESTAURANT SERVICES2024-11-05T08:06:01+00:00Ibodov Kamoliddin Mamatkulovich[email protected]<p>Examines the importance of gastronomic tourism in the development of the field of restaurant services, the formation of a gastronomic cluster aimed at harmonization with gastronomic and ethnographic tourism in the development of the restaurant business. Is proposed the organizational and economic mechanism for the development of gastronomic tourism based on the organization and development of gastronomic restaurant services at the regional and national levels, proposals and recommendations for the development and promotion of a gastronomic route and tourist products.</p>2024-11-01T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 THЕ CОNCЕPT ОF CULTURАL TОURISM IN ЕURОPЕ АND THЕ RЕАSОNS FОR DЕVЕLОPMЕNT 2024-11-05T08:08:56+00:00Rаsulоv Shеrzоd Аshirоvich gwеrzоd@gmаil.cоm<p>Culturаl tоurism hаs bееn sееn in rеcеnt уеаrs аs оnе оf thе mаin grоwth аrеаs оf glоbаl tоurism аnd is incrеаsinglу sееn аs thе mаin fоcus оf prоduct prоductiоn bу tоurism trеnds in sеаrch оf divеrsificаtiоn. Striving fоr" quаlitу tоurism", thе nееd tо find rеsоurcеs tо suppоrt culturе, аnd thе willingnеss оf culturаl rеsоurcеs mаkе culturаl tоurism аn аttrаctivе оptiоn fоr bоth urbаn аnd rurаl аrеаs. Nеvеrthеlеss, thеrе is still littlе undеrstаnding оf whаt culturаl tоurism is, аnd rеlаtivеlу littlе is knоwn аbоut thе culturаl tоurism mаrkеt. This аrticlе will аnаlуzе thе cоncеpt оf culturаl tоurism аs wеll аs thе rеаsоns fоr dеvеlоpmеnt.</p>2024-11-01T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF THE FORMATION OF THE CLASS OF MIDDLE OWNERSHIP IN THE COUNTRY2024-11-05T06:05:56+00:00Norboev Odil Abraevich[email protected]<p>The article reveals the essence of the features of the formation of the middle class of owners in Uzbekistan and the main factors influencing its formation, problems and solutions in ensuring the economic security of property, mechanisms for ensuring the inviolability of property and protecting rights. owners are based on the views of economists on this matter, the processes of property capitalization associated with its main aspects are highlighted. The article also develops directions for the formation of a real middle class of owners and proposals for improving its legislative framework.</p>2024-11-05T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF THE ORGANIZATIONAL AND ECONOMIC MECHANISM OF HOUSING STOCK MANAGEMENT THROUGH ECONOMETRIC MODELS2024-11-05T08:18:34+00:00Saidov Mash’al Samadovich[email protected]Xolmuradov Raxmatilla Ne’matillaevich [email protected]<p><strong> </strong>This article justifies the fact that the improvement of the organizational and economic mechanism of the activities of management companies serving housing funds is important in solving these tasks and achieving the desired results. By improving management processes, decision-making fundamentals and financial strategies, housing funds can regulate their activities, optimize resource allocation and, ultimately, the possibilities of improving the provision of housing services to their beneficiaries are justified precisely through econometric models.</p>2024-11-01T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF FREE ECONOMIC ZONES IN UZBEKISTAN2024-11-05T07:56:40+00:00Habibjonov Usmonjon Sherzodjonovich[email protected]<p>This research analyzes the activity of free economic zones (FEZs) in Uzbekistan, focusing on data from 2023 and projections for 2024. The study highlights the strategic importance of FEZs in fostering economic growth, attracting foreign direct investment (FDI), and enhancing export capabilities within the country. In 2023, Uzbekistan’s government implemented several reforms aimed at improving the regulatory framework governing FEZs, resulting in a significant increase in investment inflows by approximately 25% compared to the previous year. Key sectors benefiting from these zones include textiles, agriculture, and information technology, with notable projects emerging in regions such as Tashkent and Samarkand. The analysis also examines challenges faced by these zones, including infrastructure limitations and bureaucratic hurdles that may hinder their full potential. Projections for 2024 indicate continued growth in FEZ activities, driven by ongoing governmental support and international partnerships aimed at diversifying the economy and enhancing competitiveness on a global scale.</p>2024-11-01T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 - AS A FACTOR OF INCREASE EFFICIENCY OF PRODUCTION OF ORGANIC AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS2024-11-05T07:41:23+00:00Amirkulov Shukhrat Olimovich[email protected]<p>The article discusses the possibilities of increasing the economic efficiency of organic production through the introduction of an effective crop rotation system in agriculture.</p>2024-11-01T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 MECHANISMS FOR THE ORGANIZATION OF ENTERPRISES IN THE PROCESS OF TRANSFORMATION OF RAILWAY TRANSPORT2024-11-05T07:45:54+00:00Babaxalov Norbuta Eshnazarovich[email protected]<p>Currently, the process of transformation is being carried out in railway transport. It is important to create new structural structures in compliance with the laws of our country. Railway transport is a multi-functional field, and the volume of work is correspondingly multi-faceted.This article provides information on the implementation of the transformation process of JSC "Uzbekistan Railways" within the framework of the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan. At the same time, the work carried out on the organizational mechanisms of the implementation of this process was discussed.</p>2024-11-01T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 AND PROSPECTS OF LOCALIZATION IN THE AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY OF UZBEKISTAN2024-11-05T07:49:29+00:00Rustam Kobilov Shukhrat ugli[email protected]<p>Localization of components in the automotive industry makes it possible to reduce the cost of cars, rationally use local raw materials, create new production facilities and jobs, and increase the inflow of foreign investment into the county. All countries with an automotive industry in the world are interested in increasing the level of localization. There are a number of problems and risks, which are faced by any country or enterprise seeking to implement localization projects. Such difficulties include technological problems, financial risks, lack of qualified personnel, bureaucratic obstacles, etc. In this article, the automotive industry of our country, existing issues in the implementation of localization projects have been analyzed, and relevant proposals to solve these issues have been presented.</p>2024-11-01T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF ENTERPRISE FEATURES ON PROFITABILITY INDICATORS2024-11-05T07:53:42+00:00Shukurova Sultana Saidsultanovna[email protected]<p>This article provides a brief analytical definition of the performance indicator. Efficiency indicators have been studied by various scientists, characteristics and definitions of effectiveness are given. An analytical approach to the basic principles of the performance indicator, measures to achieve economic efficiency, and efficiency measures is also given. In particular, using the example of Uzbek Railways JSC, the influence of the production characteristics of the enterprise on efficiency was studied and a factor analysis was carried out at the enterprise site.</p>2024-11-01T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 THEORETICAL BASIS OF FORMATION OF VENTURE CAPITAL2024-11-05T07:35:08+00:00Chulliyev Suhrob Rabbonaqulovich[email protected]<p>Developed countries have achieved effective results using venture capital as a means of financing innovation. In this article, the scientific-theoretical basis of the formation of venture capital is theoretically researched by the results of scientific research of a number of foreign and domestic scientists. Summarizing the characteristics, functions and sources of venture capital, a definition of the concept of venture capital as an economic category was formed.</p>2024-11-01T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024ИНСТИТУЦИОНАЛЬНЫЕ ИЗМЕНЕНИЯ В ЭКОНОМИКЕ ЗНАНИЙ2024-11-05T07:38:26+00:00Хасанхонова Нодира Исаметдиновна[email protected]<p>Данная работа посвящена исследованию институциональных изменений, происходящих в контексте экономики знаний. В условиях быстрого технологического прогресса и глобализации традиционные экономические модели подвергаются значительным преобразованиям. Экономика знаний акцентирует внимание на роли информации, инноваций и человеческого капитала как ключевых факторов развития. Работа анализирует, как изменения в институциональной среде - в частности, в образовании, научных исследованиях и взаимодействии между государственными и частными секторами - влияют на эффективность и конкурентоспособность экономических систем. В заключении подчеркивается важность стратегического подхода к институциональным реформам для успешного функционирования экономики знаний и повышения качества жизни населения.</p>2024-11-01T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024