optimization principles, stages, commune, cluster, farmer, exchange, marketAbstract
The article describes the institutional conditions for the development of the agricultural sector, the reforms carried out in agriculture and the stages of development of agriculture in Uzbekistan. Using research methods, the article analyzes the development of the country's agriculture step by step. The first stage of development is the period until the nineties of the last century, during which the activities of artels, communes, chorikors, collective farms and state farms were carried out, the second stage is 1994-2004. state and financial support for agricultural enterprises normalization of the agricultural situation in the country, the third stage is a period of active growth from 2004 to 2017 and the fourth stage is the period of transition from raw material production to the production of finished products in agriculture, which continues from 2017 to the present (clustering ) is explained from an organizational, economic and regulatory point of view.
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