
  • Meirbek Kudratillaev Student of Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi
  • R.E. Yakhshiboyev Scientific supervisor, Tashkent State University of Economics


Ключевые слова:

Medical hardware-software complexes, medical devices, medical product economy, domestic production, competitiveness, digitalization, digital economy


The market of modern medical hardware-software complexes and other innovative devices remains a promising sector of the contemporary economy, despite the spread of the coronavirus infection in 2020. The most significant feature of this market is driven by the advancement of digital medicine and prospective solutions for human health maintenance. In the modern state, the healthcare industry as a whole, and specifically, the medical technology sector, stands as a priority direction for development. The relevance of this article is tied to the new qualities of the medical equipment market amidst the development of economic globalization processes, digitalization, and factors of scientific and technical progress, as well as the state’s policies to support competition, competitiveness, and innovative industrial growth within the medical equipment field. Trends and prospects in the development of the global medical equipment market serve as a guideline for countries undergoing active market reforms, including the Republic of Uzbekistan. Therefore, studying international experience will aid in identifying and formulating recommendations for enhancing the functioning of the considered sector, thereby fostering the development of domestic competitive industries, which underscores the practical significance of this work.

Библиографические ссылки

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Как цитировать

Kudratillaev, M., & Yakhshiboyev, R. (2023). THE ROLE OF INDIGENOUS MEDICAL DEVICES AND EQUIPMENT DEVELOPMENT IN MEDICINE. Economics and Innovative Technologies, 11(5), 327–341.



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